Sunday, March 09, 2008

Refresher course

This afternoon was quiet a moment. Poor Olivia was scared, mad and sad all wrapped up in one. Out of the 3 babies today mine was the one who stood her ground. She cried, fussed and refused things. She already has the 2 yr old tantrums and everything is mine attitude so it looks like poor Katie will have a run for her money. After we made it to the hotel I removed her 3 layers of think Eskimo clothing to find not 1 but 2 notes and lucky baby money. This is something I never had with Katie and beings things to a close more so for Olivia. We laid on the bed and ate bear crackers and jelly beans. She finally took some water from me. With all the trauma she got sick on her clothes and bed sheets (mine) so I bathed her and dressed her again, putting her shoes on to walk out the door and she squats. "Uh oh" she said thinking she peed on the floor, but mom is to smart for that. Ha, I put a pull up on her. So she mainly wanted to go where is she wanted to go on our walk and when we arrived back in our room she sat undressed on the potty for some time. She did not want to leave it. If I had a potty that had a bear face on it I guess I wouldn't want to leave it either.

i think today will be a better day. As Melissa told me once "You just don't give up do you Jen". NOPE!

I love and miss you lots,

Mom to four, wife to Roy


Elizabeth, David, Katie, &Chloe said...

She is a beauty. I know you are so happy to finally have her in your arms. She is precious. We leave in just 3 days. Hope to see you soon. We still don't have our travel arrangements so I don't know if I will get to see you in China but if not we will see each other here at home.
Talk to you soon,