Sunday, December 03, 2006

Merry Christmas

This is such a great video set to Third Day's new song. You might want to scroll down and stop my music so you can clearly here the wonderful song that makes this video so precious.

Katie making Christmas cookies Posted by Picasa

Surprised??  Posted by Picasa

Kolbe at his 4th eye surgery with the night night Doc Posted by Picasa

Katie finally had a ponytail!!  Posted by Picasa

You can tell the dryer s running  Posted by Picasa

Funny face Posted by Picasa

Let's play ball! Posted by Picasa

Katie and Daphne outside  Posted by Picasa

Kolbe enjoying the nice weather Posted by Picasa

Thursday, November 30, 2006

We are still here......

I have been lousy at keeping this updated. Sorry for the confusion to some. We have had lots going on here at the house lately. Kolbe had his 4th eye surgery to try and get his eyes to line up. He had been diagnosed several years ago with crossing. The doctor said it could take several surgeries to correct and I figured it would be at least 3 with our luck.

We also have a friend that Roy works with that lost their little girl to Luekemia shortly before Thanksgiving and it touched my heart hard. She just turned 9 years old. It was very uplifting to see how many people turned out to pay their respects to her parents at the funeral home. We waited about 45 minutes and some waited in line for 2 hours. She touched thousands of hearts in a short period of time. Not many if any I know has done this. She is a true angel.

Katie continues to grow like a weed. She has not gained much weight but has sprouted upwards. It's funny to see that she still fits in 12 to 18 month pj's but close to a 24 to 2T in everyday wear. Sometimes mom has to roll her pant leg up or her waist. This kid eats more than all 3 of the others put together. I cut her off at 4 eggs in the morning and 2 full size sandwiches in the afternoon. She has learned to put her shoes on along with anyone else's she finds in the process. She can buckle herself in her carseat and highchair. Loves to play dress up, trains, cars and anything else she can get her hands on. Baba still rules her world and Momma does not exsist when he is at home. Since Daphne has been here she rattles off baby gibberish 24/7. She is loving her pre-school time. I was not sure how she would feel going to a pre-school at this age but I am glad I did it. It gives me a little mommy break and time to get the house straight (not according to Roy). She enjoys the interaction wth other children and lots of extra snacks from her teacher that most likley thinks she never gets to eat at home.

Gage is growing like a plant on steriods. Oh my!! I have to get him more clothes to wear to school. He looks like he is waiting for a flood. His grades are great. He only had 1 B in writing. Bless his heart he has hs father's hand writing. I need to work on this!!! We continue to work on his talking back and not listening skills but he is 8. Gage had his first sleep over party on his 8th birthday. Roy and I set a tent up in the living room and he had 3 friends stay over and they had a ball. Later Saturday afternoon we had family over for dinner and brownies. We finished his fall ball season off good. Gage finally got the hang of being a catcher. His batting improved also. We have been trying to get the idea accross to Gage that if you just hit the ball instead of trying to kill it you make better gains for your team. It worked, I just hopes it sticks next year.

Daf is opening up to us more every week. She talks to me lots!! Her grades are fantastic and she wants to come back next year to study in goood ol' Georgia. We just need to figure out how to get her back and keep the expense at a minimum for her parents. There is a couple of students here in our county that are going to school as (I assume) exchange students but the families have temporary custody of them. I really don't understand it. The kids are really enjoying her stay. Daphne is learning to cook and deal with little hoodlums running wild in the house. We had as much fun watching her with the kids at the Halloween festivities as we had with the boys first Trick - or - Treat.

Well my novel is about had it for this evenings posts. I apoliize again for any confusion on the blog continuing and for not updating until now.



Thursday, October 19, 2006

Our last Post Placement Visit.... We are done!!!

Create Your Own!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Skidboot the Dog

A great clip from the Hill Country Reporter taken from and uploaded here cause it is smaller and google rocks.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Mary-Katherine Ting Hardin  Posted by Picasa

One year ago today we got our call....

One year ago today, Katie went from a hope to a dream to a realality. My phone rang a short time before I dropped Kolbe off at school. I simply screamed, jotted some information down and called Roy. Tomorrow would mark the first time we laid eyes on Feng Xue Ting's little picture.

So much has changed in our lives and her's in the last year. All good!! I can't think of her not being here. It's if we have had her since birth. Three haircuts later and lots of temper tantrums. Here we are...........


Thursday, August 24, 2006

A house full? Not yet!!

Meet the newest member of our family. This is Daphne . She is 15 years old and lives in Taiwan. She will be living with us and attending school. We are so excited to have her here. I feel like we can both learn from each other. Roy is excited about Daphne coming to stay with us. He has been asking every day when he calls if we have heard from the agency on her arrival yet. I hope to be able to meet her at the gate when her plane arrives Sunday the 27th. It will be a busy next few days to make sure her room is just right. Gage and Kolbe are excited and when Kolbe sees her picture he knows who she is. Gage is just happy to have someone older in the house. I hope he will not bug her too much.

All is well here with the kids. Gage is now in 2nd grade and Kolbe goes to pre-k everyday. Katie started a two day program at school and I posted some pictures of them getting ready to go,.... It's so cute. She loves her school. She is getting smarter and quicker on her feet everyday!


3 + 1 = 4 ---- Meet Daphne!!

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Katie's not sure about her first day of school. She loved it. Posted by Picasa

Kolbe excited about his first day back to school Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

New Kitty Foose. Still in his fuzzy stage. Posted by Picasa

Another shot full body shot. Posted by Picasa

Fat cat. A little over a year and tipping 19lbs. Posted by Picasa

Oscar stalking Foose Posted by Picasa

Ms. Abalure strutting her stuff.  Posted by Picasa

Katie even guards her food while sleeping. I find it amusing to try and take her food from her or even the cup.  Posted by Picasa

Fat and sassy after a hard days work Posted by Picasa

I think I own the couch.  Posted by Picasa

Katie doing a rasberry Posted by Picasa